CANNED FISH >> Small sardines
Small sardines

SUNFLOWER OIL anchovy (Engraulis ringens) is a pelagic species that lives in shoals in cold surface waters near the coast, but can be up to 180 km away from the coast. It feeds on plankton and is played mainly between July and September and to a lesser extent during the months of February and March.
It has the slim and elongated body and its color varies from dark blue to greenish on the dorsal and silvery hand on belly. He lives about three years reaching about 20 cm in length. It has high rate of fat with many omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

  • Small Sardines Ro-1000: 70/90
  • Small Sardines RR-90
FormatoCapacidadPeso NetoPeso EscurridoUnidades/CajaCajas/Pallet
RR-90 90ml 90 65 25 200
RO-1000 1000ml 1000 650 12 60