CANNED VEGETABLES >> Piquillo red peppers
Piquillo red peppers

They are made from the fruits of Capsicum Aunnum l, appearing bare, devoid of heart, calyx, peduncle and practically free of seeds. Pepper is one of the foods richest in vitamin C, an extraordinary antioxidant capacity, which gives it a very high protective effect against cancer in general.

  • Whole & broken
  • Stripes
  • Whole
FormatoCapacidadPeso NetoPeso EscurridoUnidades/CajaCajas/Pallet
314ml 314ml 290 220 12 140
460ml 460ml 410 350 12 108
FormatoCapacidadPeso NetoPeso EscurridoUnidades/CajaCajas/Pallet
1/2kg 425ml 390 350 24 72
3kg 2650ml 2500 1900 6 50