CANNED FISH >> Canned Mackerel fillets
Canned Mackerel fillets

Like the rest of preserved fish, mackerel belongs to the so-called blue fish. The presence of fat rich in polyunsaturated fatty fish makes it a very healthy for our body.
Mackerel, with a long tradition in conservation, provides fatty acids oleic, linoleic and omega 3.

  • Filets
  • chunks
FormatoCapacidadPeso NetoPeso EscurridoUnidades/CajaCajas/Pallet
RR-90 90ml 90 65 25 200
RR-125 125ml 120 82 25 192
RO-550 550ml 500 325 12 80
RO-900 900 ml 900 650 12 60
RO-1000 1000ml 1000 650 12 60